-Silk, Wool
- Age:4-5
-Length: 46cm
-Product Code: SW-KS-00010

Child caftan that belongs to ARMAGGAN Natural Dye Textile Collection is designed with inspiration from Ottoman era kids clothes, assembled with "rag-bag" technique. ARMAGGAN Natural Dye Textile Collections are the representatives of our cultural heritage with its natural dyeing and printings, antibacterial and antimicrobial features, hand sewing techniques, the local and historical point laces of Anatolia, the studies on reconstructing the local silk weaving, the modern interpretations on the designs and special weaving and manufacturing.
For your ARMAGGAN textile product to keep its first-day-state, contact with such substances that are harmful to silk, wool leather, linen and cotton goods, as soap, bleach and cleaning products should be avoided.
Dry cleaning is recommended for your leather, silk, linen and cotton textile goods.