Bektaşi Spice Holder that belongs to ARMAGGAN Objets d'Art Collection is designed with a special hadcrafting technique called 'kalem isciligi'. Drawing its inspiration from the traditional handcraft motifs that have left its traces throughout Anatolian history, the traditions from Central Asia to Ottomans that hold a significant place in Anatolian history, architecture and handcrafts, ARMAGGAN Objets d'Art Collection, with its motto ''Unique by Design'', is produced with rare, soon-to-fade way hand craftmanship in limited edition.


-Silver 925 Ct.
-Height 8 cm
-Width 5 cm
-Weight 110 gr
-Product Code: SO-SP-00011


It is recommended to refrain from dishwashers and harmful substances such as soap, detergent, bleach, cosmetic products and cleaning products to be able to keep your ARMAGGAN product for long years.

It is recommended that you do not use any cutting devices.

It is recommended to clean the glass objects without any additional materials (gold, silver coating, valuable stones etc.) with water and soap.

Glass objects with additional materials (gold, silver coating, valuable stones etc.) should be cleaned with special care cloths.

Wooden objects should be cleaned with special care cloths.

The porcelain and ceramic objects without any additional materials (gold, silver coating, valuable stones etc.) with water and soap.

Porcelain and ceramic objects with additional materials (gold, silver coating, valuable stones etc.) should be cleaned with special care cloths.

Leather and organic objects should be kept away from contact with water soap and acidic substances and be cleaned with special care cloths.

Gold, silver and brass objects should be kept away from contact with water soap and acidic substances and be cleaned with special care cloths.